“You can’t get there from here.”

When I hear those words, my blood starts to boil.  Then, with a moment…okay, many moments…of deep thought, my mind…and blood…begin to clear.

So instead of living in the land of No Way, I start thinking about how I can get to Yes Way.

Simple, right?  Well, it sort of is simple.  Certainly it’s not always easy.  But it does start with one step.  Then another.  Then another.  You get the picture.

I have realized lately that to get to where I want to go, I need to be intentional.  I can’t just wait for someone to hand me life on a plate.  I have to take steps every day in the right direction.

The other day, I was thinking about a particular dream of mine, and wishing that I could be actually living that dream.  Then it sunk in…

I-Can-Get-There-From-Here.  Yes, I can.

Right then and there, I decided that from now on, everything that I buy, everything that I do—in each part of my life—well, I must ask myself whether that will align with my goals, my dreams.

Do I buy that new drone?  Do I spend my time working on X, when I could instead work on Y or Z?  As a musician, how cool is it to think that I can be living in…Intentional Harmony?!

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